The Founder - Prof. B. I. C. Ijomah

Professor B. Imeagwu Chukwumah Ijomah, Professor of Political Sociology, author, scholar, academician, and institutional administrator. Professor Ijomah graduated from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka in 1963, and after 3 years as administrative officer and Assistant Registrar at the same University of Nigeria, he proceeded to Northwestern University, Evanston, where he obtained a Master’s Degree in 1967 and a Doctorate Degree in Sociology in 1969.

Professor Ijomah was perhaps one of the few scholars who combined academics with administrative work. His mentor, Prof. V. Chukwuemeka Ike led in this respect. Prof. Ijomah had followed his mentor almost in every move he made – A Registrar who transferred to become a Professor. He was for several years, the Head of the Department of Sociology, from Nsukka to Ambrose Alli University where he spent many years. He was Dean of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences from 1985 – 1989. He returned to the substantive position of Head of Department of Sociology, a position he held until he retired in 2002. Prof. Ijomah is a member of many professional bodies: A member of the Institute of Administration & Management, Qualified member of the Institute of Sociological Association, Fellow of Inter University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society, member of Nigerian Sociological and Anthropological Society, member of American Statistical Association; member of American Sociological Association; member of International Sociological Association; and Editor of African Journal of Behavioural Sciences. Prof. Ijomah has published many articles and books; at 75, he is still writing and continues to write.

As an activist, Prof. Ijomah was the first president of Student Union at University of Nigeria Nsukka from 1960 – 1961, he was the first National Vice-President of the National Union of Nigerian Students (NUNS), he is a live member of NUNS since 1962. He was the first President of the University of Nigeria Alumni Association, Nsukka, and the first President of the National Alumni Association of the University of Nigeria.

Prof. Ijomah is an incurable quantitative researcher in Sociology, and has carried out a number of field works. In 1986 – 1993, he carried out a national and international research on Coastal Erosion in Nigeria, and successfully predicted the instability of the ocean in Victoria Island, Lagos. He was the National Chairman of Coastal Erosion Research which involved four Universities, the Nigerian Navy and Deustch Hydraulics.

He has served on a number of Federal Government Committees and Commissions. He was a member of the Federal Government Advisory Committee on Social Development in 1982; member of the Board of Directors, Midwest Mass Communications in 1975; Principal Officer, Arts and Culture in 1977; was Bendel State Honourable Commissioner for Education in 1983. He was a member of the 1995 Constitutional Conference Commission, and a member of the Transitional Implementation Committee. He was Chairman of Governing Council, Institute of Continued Education, Bendel State; member of Governing Council, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife; Governing Council, Federal University of Technology, Owerri; Governing Council, University of Benin.

In 1998, Prof. Ijomah obtained permission from General Abacha, the then Head of State, to pioneer the South South People’s Conference (SSOPEC) which later translated into the South South People’s Assembly. Prof. Ijomah has published over 10 books and over 100 articles.

 He is an ardent lover of the Blessed Virgin Mary and has published several articles in her honour. He has received several awards to his credit and was installed as a National Patron of the World Apostolate of Fatima in 2010. In 2005 he commenced work on the establishment of the Madonna International College which successfully took off in 2006. Today, Madonna International College has recorded many awards and feels satisfied to be among the best, if not the best College in Delta State. Prof. Ijomah celebrates his 75th birthday. It is striking that on every birthday, Prof. Ijomah presents a publication to the country. On this particular celebration, he is presenting a prodigious work on Nigerian Nationalism and the Problems of Socio-Political Integration, a work based on research. It is my pleasure to present to you, this researcher, this academician, politician, author, orator, and a man of the people.

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